The second day programm
CEO-summit-2011 «The art to be successful»
June 2, 2011, World Trade Center, Moscow
The organizer - "TopManagement Forum"
09:00 – 10:00 Registration, welcome coffee-break
10:00 – 11:30 Klaus Kobjoll. Secret of success of my business – sincerity. Part I.
1. Strategy of development of the company – a necessary component of profitable business
Company Mission. The analysis of successful practice of Schindlerhof
Strategic planning. The annual target plan. Effective practices of Schindlerhof
- There is nothing more constant, than change - new tendencies and old values. How to combine an invariable/customary «kernel» of business and to stimulate constant progress.
2. In focus - quality of service. The word service has lost its meaning. What in exchange/what is next?
To be different or to die: unique possibilities of successful business
Differentiation from competitors due to quality of service - unique possibility of long-term success
quality Pillars - four indicators of quality management
the Control system of quality of service TUNE
11:30 – 11:45 Coffee-break
11:45 – 13:30 Klaus Kobjoll. Secret of success of my business – sincerity. Part II.
3. Employees as the key factor of success in Schindlerhof business
the Only thing that it is impossible to copy, is a relation of the company to its employees and the relation of employees to its clients!
the Team- a everlasting engine of steady and profitable business. How to hire "the correct"/proper personnel
How to motivate employees and to inspire clients
4. Leadership as a necessary component of success of the company
What leader is necessary for creation and maintenance of successful business
5 problems of the leader
Our factor of success № 1 - "spirit" of the company
13:30 - 14:30 Lunch
14:30 - 15:45 Pekka Viljakainen. Making big money with new generation. Part I.
Industrial leadership vs. new generation people leadership. Why leadership is more needed than ever – Trying to define winning model for 2020.
What I have learned in past 20 years, while running international professional services business?
Where I have failed and made mistakes worth of millions of euros? What we can learn about those?
What was my practical approach to change and educate talents inside my own organization around the world?
… And lastly… managing top talents in Russia, China, Finland or Germany varies a lot. How I should prepare my self for being truly international?
15:45 – 16:00 Coffee-break
16:00 - 17:15 Pekka Viljakainen. Making big money with new generation. Part II.
How new generation of consumers see the world? What impact this has for winning business models?
To be a winner of the game: What is the needed change agenda
… for companies?
… for their strategies?
… for their leaders? -
TOP-DOWN leadership, heavy structures and controls are DOOMED to fail. What is the true option? How to run transformation? What are the right KPIs for change?
How business models and support functions needs to develop to support new generation and very strong growth possibilities?
Pekka’s 6 STEP change agenda (just a proposal) for senior executives deep dive more these topics.
17:15 - 18:00 Discussion between Klaus Kobjoll and Pekka Viljakainen